Rachel Williams
Rachel Williams is a stand up comedian from Long Island, NY who started her comedy career right out of college. Now you can catch her performing stand up almost every night all over the city. She’s been on SiriusXM, a part of the 2022 New York Comedy Festival and a featured performer at the 2023 Rogue Island Comedy Festival. See all her most recent work @wachelrilliams on all social media platforms.
Upcoming Shows
- Wednesday January 8th 09:15PM
- Hot Seat ft: Mike Finoia, Jim Tews, Ophira Eisenberg, Joe Briggs, Charles McBee, Rachel Williams + SPECIAL GUEST
- Welcome to 'Hot Seat,' this hilarous show hosted by Mike Finoia features some of your favorite comics as they try new material and interact with the crowd. You never know who might stop by.FeaturingOphira EisenbergJim TewsJoe BriggsCharles McBeeRachel WilliamsMike Finoia+SPECIAL GUEST